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St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

P7 Homework week beginning 7th of September

6th Sep 2020

Hi Primary 7,

I have set work for you to do on Study Ladder and Mathletics, which needs to be completed by Thursday night, so I can check it on Friday. Remember only complete the tasks I have set for you. I have only set Maths work at the minute, as I need to get the last four people to finish their Reading tests, before I can give you your English groups. Mrs Loy will give you your name and password on Monday, so you can all access Study Ladder easily, if there are any problems let me know straight away, on Tuesday morning, so I can get them sorted as soon as possible. I gave you all your spelling folders on Friday (and for those who were not in on Friday, your spellings were put under your desk), so don't forget to take them home and begin learning one set each night from List 1, then you can revise them all on Thursday night, for your test on Friday. Also I have also let Mrs Loy know which tables groups you are all in, so don't forget to learn your tables each night also, again these will be tested on Friday. 

Tables Groups

Rhombus - revise x11 and x8 tables

Triangle -Revise x6 tables

Square- Revise all x2 tables and begin 5x0-5x6

Circle - Number bonds for 10

Don't forget to read books of your own at home and do AR quizzes on them. We will begin reading in class on Tuesday, once all the tests are completed and I can group you all properly, but these books will not be going home this year, so you need to be reading extra books at home. 

I will set English tasks, on Study Ladder, on Tuesday after school and these need to be completed by Friday evening, as I will check them on Saturday.