Access Keys:

St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

Primary 2 - Mrs Gribben/Mrs Burns

Welcome to Primary Two.

Mrs. Gribben is our teacher. She will be joined by Mrs. Burns after Halloween.

 Our classroom assistant is Mrs. Tumilty.


Welcome to our Primary 2 page.  This page will give you an insight into all the hard work that P.2 have been getting up to.


Helpful Information

The topics we will cover in Primary 2 are:-


  • September/October:- Nursery Rhymes/Traditional Tales/ Autumn
  • November/December:-Dinosaurs
  •  January/February:- On The Move
  •  March/April:- Food Glorious Food
  •  May/June:- Where I Live




Homework will be sent home on a Monday and returned on a Friday.

Please ensure EVERYTHING your child wears or brings to school is labelled. 

We are all looking forward to our year together having fun and learning new things along the way.



1st Jul 2024
The rain did’t dampen our spirits as we headed off on the big bus to County...
25th Jun 2024
Well done to all the pupils who participated in the Speech and Drama Feis in Warrenpoint. Congratulations...
18th Jun 2024
The weather improved for us today to let us take a walk to the park. The children...
18th Jun 2024
Together we looked at how we are growing and changing. We discussed how we look different...

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