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St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

November School Re-start

31st Oct 2020

Dear Parent / Guardian,
November Return to School

I hope that this letter finds you and your family well.
Enjoy today and tonight boys and girls. 👻 🎃 We would love to see your dress up photos and maybe your artwork, decorations or pumpkin carvings! 📸

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back on MONDAY 2 NOVEMBER. Please note start and finish times will remain the same as before mid – term.

Pupil and staff safety is paramount and when we return to school we will continue to adhere to the following Public Health guidance:

✅Staggered drop window of arrival and pick up times. 🚗🚌
✅Class bubbling and no mixing across year groups. 🏫
✅ x3 Separate break and lunch times. 🍴 ⏰
✅ Temperature checks of all pupils & staff 🌡
✅ No sharing of resources.
✅Pupils who present with symptoms must remain at home and adhere to the government stay at home guidance.
✅Pupils will wash/sanitise their hands more often than usual using sanitising stations in every class. 🧼
✅ Surfaces that are touched frequently will be regularly cleaned. 🧽
✅ There will be restrictions on what non-essential items pupils can bring into school (lunch boxes and school bags may still be brought into school).
✅ Uniforms will be worn. Tracksuits still permitted on PE days ⚽️🎾🏀
✅ Homework will continue to be set using both paper and digital means. 📊 📖 👨‍💻 👩‍💻
✅ Parents will not be able to access the school building without a pre arranged meeting. (Face covering must be worn in this instance) 😷

With high levels of community transmission occurring locally, may I respectfully remind everyone to follow the government guidelines regarding social distancing. If anyone in your household displays any of the COVID 19 symptons please keep your child at home and seek advice from NHS 111.

We anticipate the usual increase of colds and flus that are present at this time of year. Please make a safe judgement as to whether your child is fit for school. As a cough and /or a high temperature is a symptom of COVID 19 we ask that if your child develops either symptom that your child remains at home until they are well. Any child with vomiting and/ or diarrhoea SHOULD NOT return to school until 48 hrs after the last episode.

We are confident that the measures that we have in place will help to reduce the potential spread of the virus. However, this cannot be guaranteed. Further positive COVID-19 cases may cause further disruption this term also. If this happens, we have plans in place to move to online learning using our digital platforms and the school website.

You will have read and heard a lot of discussion about increased rates of transmission of the virus at the school gates. I would encourage all those dropping off / collecting children to wear a face covering. This is now more important than ever. We all want to spend Christmas healthy and with our loved ones – to allow this to happen we ALL must play our part.

PLEASE help our school by -
✅Wearing a face covering when dropping off / collecting your child.
✅Limit drop off / pick up to ONE person.
✅DO NOT arrive too early and DO NOT stay behind too long to have chats at the gates.
✅PLEASE drop off / pick up your child(ren) as quickly as possible.

This has been a very difficult journey to date and I wish to thank you for your continued patience and support. Our aim is to keep as many children in school as possible. All of the children have settled well into the new routines and I am very proud of each and every one of them. Our dedicated staff will continue to foster a nurturing environment for your children and continue to work hard to ensure the teaching and learning experiences are of our usual high standard.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Monday morning. Please be assured of our continued support and care for every child in our care.

Take care and keep safe.
Mr O’Neill