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St Colman's Primary and All Saints' Nursery, Annaclone

Homework- Week beginning 12th October

10th Oct 2020

Hi Primary 7,

Your Study Ladder and Mathletics work has been set. Remember it needs to be completed by Thursday night, so I can check it on Friday Morning. Remember only complete the tasks I have set for you. I have set Maths & English work in Study Ladder, so make sure you complete both.

Your Maths work on Study Ladder and Mathletics is under the planet name for your group. (For example; Mercury, Neptune, Saturn or Mars

Your English work on Study Ladder is under your reading groups colour. (For example; Red, Brown, Green, Orange, Yellow, Purple, or Blue)

Your spellings this week are to revise all the spelling learnt so far, for a revision test on Tuesday the 20th of October

Tables Groups (Revision of work covered so far, for a revision test on Tuesday the 20th of October

Rhombus- squared, cubed and prime numbers

Triangle -Revise all x6, x7 and x8 tables

Square- Revise all, x2, x5, x3 tables

Circle - Revise number bonds for 10 rhyme, double numbers up to double 10 & odd and even numbers

Remember to read books of your own at home and do AR quizzes on them, as school reading books will not be going home this year, so you need to be reading extra books at home. You can complete quizzes on books you read at home in school during silent reading time. Try to do at least one quiz every week.